MuseumsQuartier in Vienna is located in close vicinity to the city center of Vienna and is one of the hotspots for every age. Many events take place here. Especially during summer MuseumsQuartier is a very popular place to spend time. It’s of great culinary interest as well: daily changing lunch menus, having  a five o’clock tea with homemade pastry or a refreshing drink in the evening – you will find whatever your heart and stomach desire equally.

How to get from Pension Stadthalle to MuseumsQuartier in Vienna

You can easily reach MuseumsQuartier in Vienna via tram line 49 towards Dr. Karl-Renner-Ring. Alternatively, you can also reach it via metro line U3 from Westbahnhof and get out at Volkstheater.

More sights to see

  • Museumsquartier
  • Mariahilferstraße